00249173 Limited

General information


00249173 Ltd

Office Address:

Colwyn Chambers 19 York Street M2 3BA Manchester

Number: 00249173

Incorporation date: 1930-07-01

End of financial year: 31 March

Category: Private Limited Company

Status: Liquidation


Data updated on:

The 00249173 Limited business has been operating on the market for ninety four years, having started in 1930. Started with Companies House Reg No. 00249173, 00249173 is a Private Limited Company with office in Colwyn Chambers, Manchester M2 3BA. 00249173 Ltd reported its account information for the financial period up to 31st March 1989. The business latest annual return information was released on 8th August 1989.

Accounts Documents

Account next due date 31 January 1991
Account last made up date 31 March 1989
Confirmation statement next due date 22 August 2016
Return last made up date 08 August 1989

Company filings

Filing category

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Accounts Address Annual return Change of name Gazette Incorporation Insolvency Mortgage Officers Resolution Restoration
Free Download
Resolutions: Re-registration resolution (RESOLUTIONS)
filed on: 4th, April 2009

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