The firm referred to as 00215235 was founded on 1926-07-23 as a Private Limited Company. This enterprise's headquarters could be contacted at Huddersfield on Victoria Mills Victoria Lane, Golcar. If you need to contact the company by post, the post code is HD7 4JG. The office registration number for 00215235 Limited is 00215235. It 's been eleven years since 00215235 Limited is no longer identified under the business name Robert Clough (keighley) Holdings. This enterprise's SIC code is 74990 - Non-trading company. 30th April 2022 is the last time when company accounts were filed.
Presently, this specific limited company is directed by just one director: Peter G., who was selected to lead the company in May 2014. For nine years Richard S., had been supervising this specific limited company until the resignation in 2004. As a follow-up another director, including Charles L. gave up the position in March 1995. One of the directors of this company is another limited company: British Mohair Holdings Ltd.